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Posts Tagged ‘circle of influence

The Irony of Being “Informed”

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Being “well informed” & being “over informed”  – There is a very fine line that divides the two. While the former may facilitate oneself, the latter may well become a deterrent.

This might sound strange considering the world that we live in today when information is always flowing – solicited or unsolicited.

What happens in the bargain is that, very often we tend to get “over-informed”. Most of this information lies in our “Circle of Concern” (Dr. Stephen Covey) and it infact starts taking us away from our “Circle of Influence”. Net result- we land up in a situation where we have tons of information which we can do nothing about.

Consider it carefully – is that info really required to be allowed in?


Written by Manish Sehgal

January 22, 2012 at 4:13 pm