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Archive for August 2011

The “Airplane Mode” In Life

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I boarded a flight yesterday and was doing the same thing for the n th time- putting my cellphone on the “airplane mode” when the above thought struck me.
For the next two hours or so, no matter how “important” it was for someone to get in touch with me, it was just not going to be possible. The same applies vice a versa too.
When an airline regulation can make us do this, why can’t we practise this in our own day to day lives too? Why can’t we reduce the stress in our lives by putting our lives on the “airplane mode” too for sometime ,each day.
Just consider yourself to be taking a flight during that time.
I intend trying it out. Why don’t you do too?

Written by Manish Sehgal

August 29, 2011 at 5:15 pm

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The Importance Of “Letting Go”

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A lot easier “said” than “done” but to move ahead in life one needs to”let go” of all those things that hold you back.
It sure sounds difficult but if you sit down and ponder over these “so called very important” things that we make such an effort to hang on to, you will probably realise the futility of it all in the first place.
We often tend to be judgemental in our approach towards these.
Go ahead give it a try. It’s bound to change your perspective.Even if it doesn’t, it’s still worth a try.

Written by Manish Sehgal

August 28, 2011 at 9:19 am

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“That Refreshing Breath Of Fresh Air”

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Each time you are underwater for a while, you long to come up to the surface for a whiff of fresh air which gives you enough “breath” to go back under water for another length of time.

Wading through the waters of life, there will be many occasions which will require you to be “underwater” for considerable lengths of time. It’ s at times like this that you need to identify those “pockets” of “fresh air” which will help you carry on.

Each individual has his own “pocket of fresh air”  which only he / she can identify.

Recognise your own “pocket of fresh air” so that you can go ahead and take “That Refreshing Breath Of Fresh Air”.

Written by Manish Sehgal

August 23, 2011 at 4:18 pm

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“The Change Has To Be Brought About”

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While it is true that ” Acknowledgment is the first step to change”, the change can only come about if you actually take steps to bring it about.

We often tend to take refuge in the “acknowledgment” of a fact and procrastinate the actual act of changing things. We tend to derive comfort from the fact that ” yes I know that I need to bring about this change”. Whether it is about quiting smoking or starting that long pending exercise regime, it keeps getting “put off” to another day.

Acknowledge, you must. But you must also take steps to “Make The Change “.

Written by Manish Sehgal

August 16, 2011 at 5:34 am

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“The Dilemma Of Planning”

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There are a lot of views on how life unfolds. From “it’s all destined” to “each man makes his own destiny”, it’s all out there.

The dilemma you are faced with then is, if something is already destined to happen in a certain manner, then what is the point of planning in the first place.

Ironical as it may sound but if the above is true, planning would only add up to the frustration.

On the other hand a lack of planning leads to chaos which again leads to frustration.

So the idea should be to pick and choose what one should plan for in life.

Like they say ” Do your best & leave the rest to God.”


Written by Manish Sehgal

August 7, 2011 at 5:07 am

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