100 gm Zindagi

“Where Do We Lose It All?”

with 4 comments

Dussera just went by and while the entire world outside was busy preparing the “Raavan” to be traditionally put down, here were my two little daughters doing the same at home. They had got their entire gang of  friends together to put up their very own “Raavan”, together. They were up early in the morning, got all the material that was required, mustered up the help of elders to complete what they were unable to and were at it right through the day, without a moment’s rest.

As I watched them go through the activity, what struck me rather noticeably was the presence of all those behaviours that are generally stated to be the prerequisite of a successful venture. Each one of these kids was demonstrating the so-called “High Performance Behaviours” that we are often taught much later on in life.

The question then is that , if these already exist within us, where do we lose them as we grow up? Why is it that we need to be taught those very things all over again which are so instinctive & so fundamental to us right from the beginning of our lives?

“Where Do We Lose It All?”

Written by Manish Sehgal

October 9, 2011 at 9:50 am

Posted in Uncategorized

4 Responses

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  1. Hey Manish,
    Where was this talent hiddden, I am getting hooked to it and now I sincerely look forward to your writings…..keep it up !!!

    Ajay Arora

    October 9, 2011 at 11:36 am

  2. Good one Manish !

    Guess, we lost our innocence, somewhere down the road and became all the more risk averse

    Following the gut, got subsemed by all the metrics and data. We lost the instict & the joy to see the paper plane fly, instead started calculating the ‘opportunity cost’ of these engagements.

    Time to go back to Nagrakata club and celebrate Diwali once again with all that excitement. Tall ho my friend !



    October 9, 2011 at 1:21 pm

  3. Good observation and well written piece Manish.

    Belated Happy Dussehra.



    October 10, 2011 at 9:40 am

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